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Rev. John Campoli, i.v.dei
His Love Ministries

Remember that our heavenly Father has our best interests at the forefront of His plan for our lives. Jesus always walks with us, especially in our sufferings. Cling to Him with everything you’ve got and give Him all your pain, suffering, and disillusions. He can turn them into joy, and glory and, finally, will turn our death into life.

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Daily Meditation

If Jesus is the Good Shepherd, then we are sheep.


We are sheep because we can’t be anything but sheep. We are not the rulers of our lives, our herds, or our destiny. Being a sheep is remarkably similar to being a human. We are creatures who need community and who can’t help but follow since we often have no idea where we are going in the first place.

We are sheep because we desperately need a Shepherd—a shepherd whose voice we must follow to arrive safely home.

There are many voices in our world today that try to compete with the voice of the shepherd. For instance, cable news networks, reality shows, and commercial advertising make all this television possible in the first place!

Then there are the politicians of all stripes crying, “Don’t listen to him, listen to me!”

Family members are unhappy with the family, and neighbors are annoyed with the neighborhood. Immigrants who seek just some shred of dignity. Talk-show hosts who know it all. And every layperson, deacon, priest, and bishop trying to convince us that they know what is best for the church!

 We must listen to the shepherd's voice alone. He speaks only one word: LOVE.

Sometimes, we don’t know where the shepherd is leading us. We feel our way is the better way. But, like the sheep that left the flock and was lost, we have a shepherd who will seek and find us. One who will lay his life down for you. For me? A mere sheep? Yes, for you. This good shepherd will take you on a long and winding journey. Sometimes, we think that those pastures back there seemed good enough for us – why, oh why, are we traveling again? It is scary out here.

But then you will arrive. And there will be such glorious provisions, unexpected gifts of joy, and the reality of knowing we didn’t have to find it alone.



Father John Campoli

Since 1982, Father John Campoli has conducted healing Masses, Retreats, Parish Missions, and Days of Recollection in the United States, England, Ireland, Trinidad, Belize, and the Middle East.

A priest of the Voluntas Dei Institute was ordained in 1970 for the Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey. Father holds a Master’s degree in Theology from Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland, and has pursued post-graduate studies in Liturgy at Catholic University. From 1970 until 1991, he served the Diocese as parochial vicar and pastor in several parishes, as well as being the Diocesan Director of Liturgy for ten years.

In 1991, Father felt a call to a more consecrated life and with the bishop’s permission left the diocese to join Voluntas Dei, a Secular Institute of Pontifical Rite. He is a priest in good standing in the Voluntas Dei Institute. As a member of the Institute, he has successfully completed its Safe Environment Program and the criminal background checks as mandated by the Dallas Charter.

Father Campoli has been involved in Renewal and the Healing Ministry for over forty years. He is the author of several books and has appeared on television and radio. In addition to having produced an extensive series of CDs on healing and spirituality, he has written many articles for newspapers and magazines. Father John celebrates a Sunday Mass each week, which is available on YouTube and Facebook

When Father Campoli is asked to give a brief summary of the objectives of the Ministry, he would say that he tries to bring people to an understanding that “God is love, love is mercy, mercy is forgiveness, and forgiveness heals.”

Father Campoli is available for
Parish Missions.


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